Everything You Need to Know to Create a Successful Global Business Podcast

Follow these tips to start a successful business podcast

by Milan Stanojevic
Milan Stanojevic
Milan Stanojevic
Windows & Software Expert
Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He's a PC enthusiast and he... read more
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  • When starting a business podcast focus on your target audience and marketing.
  • Establishing a presence and having a high-quality equipment is just as important.

Starting a global business podcast is a big undertaking. While you can sign up to create podcasts almost anywhere, you need the proper equipment and setup to be prepared to make your podcast great. You also need to know some great marketing techniques to boost your listeners and get your podcast in front of more people. 

Building your digital presence is vital for a business, and a podcast will help you do so. Check out this guide with tips designed to help you create a global business podcast and be successful. 

Marketing Matters

Are you prepared with the appropriate tools and requirements to market your podcast? Before you go to the hard work of creating a podcast and content, you need to make sure you can share the content. You can post your podcast to a favorite podcast site, but we also recommend you share it on your platforms. 

You’re going to want to plug that podcast into your business through social media and your website. If you haven’t built a website, you need to do so. You can take a look at these top 10 web hosting services to help set you on the right track. 

The success of your podcast depends on having marketing tools and putting them to use. Post podcasts on your site and share them on all of your social media. Share sneak peeks and tidbits to get people to listen! 

Plan the Target Audience

While it would certainly be awesome if you could reach every person in the world, you need a more focused approach. This comes from establishing a target audience. Who is it that your podcast is going to be most effective for? What population do you hope to reach the most? 

Use these details to specify a target audience and work from there. It’s acceptable for people outside the target audience to listen to the podcast. This just helps to set some parameters so you can create focused content that is geared towards your target audience. It should be part of your strategy. 

Establish a Podcast Platform Account

Even with a website, you’re going to need an account for a podcast platform. You can do the research to choose one, or you can even see if your web host has an option. Before you settle on a podcast platform, make sure that it will be compatible with your feed, your website, and your sharing requirements. 

There are a lot of different podcast platforms like Spotify, Stitcher, Audible, and more. We recommend you take the time to check into and compare the different options so that you can choose which one will work best for you. 

Recording and Editing Equipment

Before you start recording, you’re going to need some equipment. What you invest in may depend on your budget. Even if you need to start with cheap basic supplies, you’re going to want some sound equipment to make your podcast great. We get it; not everyone can spend $10,000 to set up. But you can still invest in this podcast with some accessories. 

A podcast microphone should be your first accessory outside of a phone or device to do the recording. Many people just use their laptops or tablets, but your recording devices are totally up to you. Using a separate microphone will help to provide better sound for your listeners. 

Don’t forget the software to edit your podcast. Your device may already have something on it, but you can also consider premium software for a small fee. 

Get Started!

Now, it’s time to record your first podcast to get started. It may take more than one try to get it right. It’s a good idea to write a basic script so that you aren’t left floundering while you’re live recording. Even if you just have an outline with some basic notes, this could help keep you on track during the recording process. 

When you mess up, have an extended pause, or even stumble a little bit, these things can generally be fixed with editing. You can also hire someone for editing if that seems like a better choice. 

Once your episode is recorded and edited, you can name it, give it a great description, and publish it on your podcast platform. 

Now, take the time to promote it and source it to your website! The hard part is done. The rest of the gig just requires making consistent, quality content and knowing your marketing avenues. While it will take some time to build a following, your global business podcast will take off with hard work and consistency.